Thursday, July 30, 2009


You got to throw some love to the brown brothers, getting cheddar, makin' dolla, going for the hustle and all other hip hop inspired colloquilisms.

Aziz Ansari is quickly becoming a twitter personality if such a thing exits (he took on the IMAX-group a couple of months ago), he also had a small part as the fruit seller that didn't like Australians in Flight of the Conchords which was hilarious and the US office Spin-off Parks&Recreations.

He's been promoting the new Adam Sandler- Seth Rogen- Judd Apatow movie "Funny People" about to release with these viral video's about a fictional stand up comedian.
It kinda reminds me of Dave Chappele's role in the Nutty professor.

He also has a prety interesting interview over at AICN.